See below questions

You are required to type two essays in response to the questions/statements below. You must answer question one. Then you may choose to answer any one of the other three questions. Answers must be a minimum of 1200 words.

Below is a mandatory question with a minimum of 1200 words

1. Looking back, we sometimes see events in history as nearly inevitable results of earlier actions. John Adams, the nation’s second president, seemed to succumb to this view when he argued that the Revolution was complete in the minds and hearts of men before the first shot was fired. Consider what Adams meant. Analyze the events leading up to the Revolution beginning from the end of the French and Indian war up to and including the Declaration of Independence. What did Jefferson and his collaborators on the Declaration say caused the war? Were they completely honest in their charges? What had the British done to cause the war and what might they have done differently in the period 1763 to 1776 that might have avoided the war? What had the Americans done that led the British to choose the actions they took and the policies that they implemented?

Choose one of the following questions and respond with no less the 1200 words.

  1. Colonial America was made up of various regions reflecting the culture of the people settled there, including their religions and by the geography of each area. Geographic realities had much to do with shaping the economies of each region. Two of those major regions included 1.) the South, with primary focus on the Chesapeake area, Virginia, and the Carolinas, and 2.) New England, with primary focus on Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. Examine both. Why did colonists choose to come to each? What was the nature of the communities they established? What role did geography play in shaping their economies? What role did religion play? Why did slavery not take hold in New England when it was essential to the South?
  2. The War of 1812 coupled with the following “era of good feeling” are often referred to as America’s second war of independence. Why? What caused the war? Was America more independent after the war? How? Why? How did that new sense of freedom from Europe and self-confidence about the future manifest itself at home? In foreign policy? Be specific.
  3. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson asserted that people have the right to revolution to change unjust systems of government. After he was elected president, Jefferson argued that, while the right to change governments was inviolable, there was no longer a need to revert to violence to accomplish that change. America was and is, he would argue, a unique nation. Here, governments can be overthrown peacefully through the ballot box. Andrew Jackson and the Jacksonians would have agreed. How was Jackson’s election another revolutionary change? Was it really so different from what came before, or was much of the difference superficial? What really did change?
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