

You have been appointed as manager over a given department at a multinational company. The executive board is seeking competent, intelligent, educated, and outgoing employees with an excellent employment record to represent them in foreign markets. This position would be a considerable promotion and increase in salary and benefits. You are interviewing the candidates all of which have equal competence, intelligence, and education. With the exception of one — Fred.  

In fact, Fred is an MBA and a Ph.D. who has matriculated from an Ivy League university. Also, Fred, the candidate is extremely competent in his field far beyond the other candidates. However, Fred has an excessive amount of tattoos around his neck, arms, and wrists. Also, he has huge gauges in each earlobe. You know that Fred is the best selection based on his personality, intelligence, employee performance, and world-class education. The only problem is the board that has appointed you to interview the candidates do not like tattoos or gauges.  Use resources with intext citation in APA format.

Answer each question in paragraphs.  Is it fair for the employer to reject Fred the candidate’s promotion based on his appearance? How so? If selected, should he conceal his tattoos and remove his gauges? Why? Finally, should it be illegal to allow tattoos and gauges to be a factor at all in the selection process? How so? Provide a very thorough answer.

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