You will complete the 2 tasks in Full


Complete the Individualized Internship Plan and submit to me by September 21, 2018. Use the following items to complete your plan:

a. What is your present position?

b. How is your current position preparing you for administrative responsibilities?

c. If you are a classroom teacher, what are your opportunities for having practical experiences in administration supervision?

d. What is the next position you hope to secure?

e. What steps are you taking to secure it?

f. What do you expect your position to be five years from now?

g. What do you expect your position to be fifteen years from now?

h. What is your most outstanding leadership strength?

i. How will the internship help you reach your stated goals?

j. How will you evaluate whether the internship is achieving its goals?

k. What kind of data will you collect in this regard?

l. From whom will you collect data?

3. Near the beginning of the clinical experience, the intern will prepare a demographic study of the school system in which the internship is performed. The study will serve to increase the intern’s knowledge base. It provides the university supervisor with critical information on the clinical working environment and will facilitate subsequent dialogue.Include the following information in your school district demographic study:

a. School vision and standards for learning

b. Physical layout and description of facilities

c. An 8” X 11” map of the school system

d. An 8” X 11” map of the building in which the internship is served

e. A description of the immediate surrounding environment

f. A description of staffing patterns: numbers, categories, education, experiences, ethnicity, etc.

g. Analysis of school report card data

h. Analysis of parent/community/business participation

i. Average current achievement test scores by grade level in reading, math, and total composite scores (All scores must be reported by NCE, national percentile rank, Stanine, and grade equivalency.)

j. Dropout rates over the last five years

k. Enrollment trends over the last five years

l. Sources of school system revenue and amount annually projected

m. Per pupil expenditure by grade level

n. A one-page school system summary budget for current year

o. Educational innovations in progress/school improvement initiatives

p. Assessment of technology readiness and availability of technology in the school

q. Summary of professional development activities provided to teachers (This assignment is due October 5, 2018.)

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