webd122 assignment 3 week 3 explain the url role

Assignment 3: Week 3 Explain the URL Role

Please note, points will be deducted for overuse of citations. Please read the information related to this weeks points and paraphrase it and/or provide your thoughts and ideas on what it means to you in relationship to the knowledge that you have thus far.

Assignment Instructions:

  • Explain URL and why you as the analyst should care about its importance.
  • Explain the URL parameters.
  • Explain cookies and why these matter in web analytics.

Assignment Resources:

Class: You may find newer and older resources listed each week in the Lessons and Assignments; however, the older resources are still relevant in content and concept. The relevancy is noted in that they build on the structural foundation of web analytics. We must be aware that Web Analytics is always in motion, and organizations are seeking to create actionable insights driving the decision making process.

Class, please feel free to explore your own research for eBooks, journals and articles that best answer the topics and assignments. Do your best to locate resources that are no more than three (3) years old. PLEASE DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA AS A RESOURCE AND OR REFERENCE.


2016: Cookies http://www.webanalyticsworld.net/privacy/cookies

2015: Google Analytics Cookies Usage on Websites https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/cookie-usage

2011: Web Analytics and Cookies https://www.stonetemple.com/web-analytics-and-cookies/

2007: Locate book “Web Analytics 2.0” by Avinash Kaushik in the APUS Library, Chapter 4 pages 141-142, and 126-140 will be most helpful. Web_Analytics_An_Hour_a_Day_Chapter4.pdf


2011: Web Analytics Strategy Part 1: Understanding the Importance of URL Tagging http://www.evereffect.com/blog/web-analytics-strategy-url-tagging/

(n.d.) Guide to URL Tracking in Google Analytics http://www.ppchero.com/guide-to-url-tracking-in-google-analytics/

2007: Locate book “Web Analytics an Hour a Day” by Avinash Kaushik in the APUS Library, Chapter 6 pages 126-131 will be most helpful. Web_Analytics_An_Hour_a_Day_Chapter6.pdf

Please submit a Word Doc with your answers in 500 words or more, and use APA references in support of your answers. Be sure to place your Name and Class on your submission, for example:

Smith, John
WEDB122 I001 Fall 12

Assignment 3 Readings: Please review the Week 3 Lesson for the reading materials.

Assignment Objectives:

  • Demonstrate the importance of understanding URL parameters and sub-domains
  • Explain how the web analyst should be aware of the URL usage
  • Describe and explain why page tagging may be affected by URL structures

Grading Rubrics

WEBD122 Intro to Web Analytics Assignment Rubrics

Please use APA formatting and intext cititation

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