Pablo Picasso and the Cubist Movement

Mini Paper: Guidelines: FA 1040

The paper requires at least 4 sources, 3 of which cannot be your textbook. Internet sources are just fine as are would be books, articles from magazines or journals, newspaper articles, etc. or any other source appropriate for research on these topics.

Length maximum is 4 pages and the minimum is 2 and ½ pages.

We will use double space for these.

Instructor will assign the Mini Paper topic to complete.

Any style manual in which you are comfortable is fine, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago manual of style.

These are not “full term papers,” but papers to sketch a given artist/person in the visual and performing arts.

Give a short bio or the person.

Give a brief discography of their representative works.

Give a brief description of the styles in which they worked. Note their contributions to their given fields and RELATE THIS MINI PAPER TO INFORMATION PRESENTED IN YOU TEXT.

Use one separate page for your references/works cites/ bibliography page. NO title page, please, just notate your title of that person centered and place your name and section and semester on the top right – hand corner of your paper.

Our assignment for Fall 2018 for the Mini Paper is:

Pablo Picasso and the Cubist Movement

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