Gender Role Development

There are several theoretical positions concerning gender role development. The psychodynamic approach focuses on complex unconscious interactions between children and their parents. Social learning theory emphasizes socialization and the modeling of gender behaviors by children, while cognitive-developmental theory emphasizes the way human thought processes reinforce and perpetuate the gender roles learned from socialization.

Examine at least two theoretical positions on gender role development. In your response, include one of the following:

  • Refer to and integrate ideas presented in the Kelly textbook. Cite the textbook at least twice within your discussion. (Kelly, G. F. (2014). Sexuality today (11th ed.). Clarkson University: McGraw-Hill.)
  • Chapter 1, “Cultural, Historical, and Research Perspectives on Sexuality,” pages 5–22.
  • Chapter 4, “Human Sexual Arousal and Response,” pages 76–98.
  • Chapter 5, “Developmental and Social Perspectives on Gender,” pages 99–129.
  • Cite at least one scholarly resource to support your discussion. Do not use Internet Web sites such as Wikipedia.

Follow APA style rules for citing references.

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