A website made with the research on topic, subtopics


Group Project

As noted on the syllabus, you will need to work on a group project. This project has multiple parts, which allows all group members to work on different parts of the project. You will be assigned your group members and will have a group page created in Blackboard. Below are detailed instructions for this project and the possible topics you can choose.


  • A webpage, using any of the FREE webpage websites available online. (Wix.com, Websitebuilder.com, etc)
  • The webpage will contain all the information that you have researched.


  • The webpage should contain
  • Landing page with inviting visuals and videos. The page should also contain general information about the topic you researched.
  • Links to subtopics you have researched (3-4)
  • Links to outside resources related to the topic

TOPIC: The Sociology of Class Conflict and Inequality


  • Class and Geographical Segregation
  • Ghettos and Gated Communities
  • Food in Rich and Poor Areas
  • The Effects of the Ghetto on Youth
  • Class and Parenting Styles

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